Webinar: The Future Workforce

The Gig Economy and the Challenges of a Contingent Workforce

Almost 40 million Americans work on a part-time or freelance basis and by 2020 half of the American workforce is expected to be part of this gig economy. This new workforce is full of challenges and benefits for both employers and employees. For employers looking to engage this new workforce there is a lot of legal compliance issues to consider, and for employees looking for freedom they look to be free of benefits as well.  

As employment standards change, Government regulations are striving to change with them. New regulations are being debated from the Federal level in the senate, in the Department of Labor, to even state and local government responses. This contingent workforce hinges on challenges of employee classification, joint-employment rulings and employee protection. Contractors have faced the struggle of worker classification, but now this struggle will apply to almost half of working Americans. With the workforce leaning towards multiple short-term employers, employment-based benefits will not work for this dispersed workforce. 

Uber and other companies pushing the line towards this new contingent workforce face various litigation issues as well ranging from overtime, unemployment benefits, worker classification and entrepreneurial claims regarding business control and liability. Will a contingent workforce emerge with all these questions still unanswered?

Join EPAY Systems and Seyfarth Shaw as we explore the ramifications and benefits of the future workforce, review recent litigation issues and how they will impact businesses trying to engage gig economy and look ahead at other future workforce trends.


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